у меня вот такой урок есть. трезубец дя БЖД
1. we have a wood stick that you can brought from Micheals', Joann or any craft store.
they cost 59 cents each, pretty cheap and easy to cut

see how tall is your doll, how long you want the trident to be and mark it on the wood with pencil

Cut it


than let's take out ur paper, cut a rectangle, this will be a trident base

Roll the rectangle up, wood stick has round shape can help you make the paper roll into the shape

tape it, than you will get a tube shape

now you have trident base, repeat it again until you got 2 Tube shape paper tubes

combine the two tubes into a T shape
tape them together with tape

measure your trident size, let's make the tip

cut down a paper into this shape with the size you want for your tip part

Roll it up like what we do with the tubes
see now you got a tip~
so same thing, repeat them, we need to make 5 of them

add them on top of the two tubes

and add the button part, you got a trident base

Mukuro Trident weapon making Part II
Today I am going to show you the process of making the design on the weapon
so that it won't be too plan.
material that we are preparing are
hot glue, and Gesso

so after we done the base
I use model magic, just cover the whole base with it
and wait until it dry

first step, prepare your hot glue and a weapon that you made and make sure the clay already dry.

start with the middle round area
use glue to cover the crack area

use hot glue to paint on the design
that you want it to be appear on the weapon

I finish the design on the weapon
it will look like this

now wait until the glue dry
it will dry pretty fast
than you take out your gesso

start to paint all the area
cover the entire weapon

now you just have to wait until it dry
than we'll goes to part III
the weapon is almost done!!
how excited
BJD Weapon making tutorial Mukuro's trident part III - Final
So Mukuro Trident's best friend~
the silver spray

bring your weapon outside, wear your mask and gloves
(which I show you without gloves because I am lazy///)
slowly spraying on the weapon

make sure you spray on every spot
back and front

now you can prepare for this material
which looks like little chain for bjd size

Roll the chain on top of the weapon

than you complete a trident
later you only need to paint the handle part black
than your weapon will be completed~
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